Monday, May 28, 2012

Ups and Downs

I've never been fat, but I'm usually bigger than what I would like to be. Last year I was pretty happy with my weight. Now, I need to start being careful again. I was 130 pounds when I graduated high school. I remember because I lied about my weight by 10 pounds when I ordered my graduation gown. I told myself that I would lose the weight before I took the walk across stage. I didn't. After three years of college, I swelled up to 150. The funny thing is that I was the most confident during this time. Well, some stuff happened. I kind of went through a depression and didn't eat very much. I lost 30 pounds in two months. I remember how happy I was the day I got on the scale, and it said 119. I could say that I weighed under 120. I maintained this weight for a good while, fluctuated a pound or two. I never went over 124. As long as I stayed in the lower 120's, I was happy.

But then I stopped keeping track. A couple months later, I weighed myself and I was in the upper 120's. I used to always be able to loose a couple of pounds in a week if I really tried. But here lately, it's not working. It seems like no matter what I do, I can't. I just want to be back in the lower numbers. It's silly, I know. You can't even tell a physical difference in a couple of extra pounds. It's just that I feel like I look better. I know that I really don't, but I feel like I do. I really need to start doing something, because today I weighed 129. I absolutely cannot go out of the 20's back into the 30's. So, I've decided if I blog about my daily progress, it may help keep me on track.

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